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ThinkCERCA is a 2021-2022 Tools Competition Winner!

ThinkCERCA is a 2021-2022 Tools Competition Winner!


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We are proud to announce that the ThinkCERCA team was one of the 30 winners of this year’s Learning Engineering Tools Competition! We will receive $250,000 to further develop a tool that provides authentic feedback on argumentative writing in real-time. We are developing an assessment and feedback tool trained to identify aspects of an argument. When students compose an argumentative essay, the tool highlights key writing elements, thereby assessing students while they write, enabling formative feedback and providing mini-instructional events to drive learning while writing. As a result, ThinkCERCA provides an authentic assessment of learning experiences and assists teachers to provide actionable feedback.

Our plan is to build on the research of our Senior Data Scientist Harry A. Layman, PhD, and the CERCA framework for teaching writing and critical thinking created by our CEO Eileen Murphy. 

Find out more here: https://bit.ly/3y6h9yi

Eileen Quote