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Abby Ross Interviewed by TechRepublic About Co-Working Options for Startups

Abby Ross Interviewed by TechRepublic About Co-Working Options for Startups


When it comes to work spaces, there are many options for budding companies, from working at home to renting a private office. In its most recent post about the different options for startups, TechRepublic interviewed ThinkCERCA COO Abby Ross about the benefits of co-working. ThinkCERCA currently works out of Chicago's co-working hub 1871 and the pros of co-working (at least for the moment) out way the cons.

Read Abby's comments at TechRepublic >> 

Photo courtesy of 1871.

Claire Podulka
Claire Podulka

Claire has spent her career managing content creation of every possible sort, from print textbooks to marketing collateral to a travel blog. Having worked with major educational publishers and mobile companies, she brings project management and editorial expertise to her role at ThinkCERCA.

Claire has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a PMP certificate from the Project Management Institute.