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12 Ways to Make Time for Foundational Literacy Interventions Within Your Current Schedule


Some students have been coming to us without the literacy skills to be successful in middle and high school long before the pandemic. But let’s face it, the variables that shifted during the recent year have increased the number of students in that situation. Many leaders struggle to find ways to meet their needs while juggling many other concerns.

While some of your teams are working with large percentages of students who are not yet meeting grade-level standards, others on your team may have only a handful of students who need this intervention support. Either way, we are here to help you find a way to meet this critical need and be sure your teachers are able to deliver effective and high-quality instruction!

Below are 12 ways you can create more time for literacy growth within your current schedule with your current team. 

Tier 2 Implementation

  1. Before School
  2. After School
  3. W.I.N. Period (What I Need)
  4. Saturday School
  5. Accelerated Reading: Foundations
  6. Integrated Writing

Tier 1 Implementation

  1. Core Content - Core ELAR
  2. Monthly Units
  3. Ongoing Routine - Daily
  4. Ongoing Routine - Weekly
  5. Asynchronous Practice - Flipped
  6. Regular Weekly Virtual Learning

We also have all the resources you need to support your students in these programs.

We are here to support you with scheduling options, blended and personalized learning routines, and our professional services.

Please reach out for a free consultation with our team!

Eileen Murphy
Eileen Murphy

Eileen taught English for 15 years and was the founding English Department Chair at Walter Payton College Prep as well as the author of 360 Degrees of Text (NCTE, 2011).

As the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for over 100 of Chicago’s highest performing schools, Eileen became passionate about the role technology could play in education in the 21st century and left CPS in 2012 to develop ThinkCERCA to help all students achieve career and college readiness. ThinkCERCA is one of the top Literacy Courseware Challenge winners (Gates Foundation).