New Math Lessons to Connect with Tonight's Debate and More
Looking for a math set to tie in with the presidential debate tonight? We've got you covered.
Voting Statistics: What can analyzing voting statistics tell us about the effects of voting practices in the United States? These statistics lessons use real stats from past U.S. presidential elections to help students notice and analyze relationships among voter registration, voter turnout, electoral votes, popular votes, and more. View lessons >>
You can also pair this set with lessons in other subjects for cross-curricular integration:
- Group Decision-Making (ELA informational text): What is the best way for a group to make a decision?
- Voting (social studies): Should the United States consider modifying the way citizens elect their leaders?
And it's not just election season; flu season is coming, too. To help your students understand how quickly illness can spread--and how to stop it--use this new math literacy set:
Disease Networks: How can health officials prevent diseases from becoming pandemics? These lessons use scientific data about the rates at which diseases spread through populations and the efficacy of preventative measures and give students opportunities to use equations and functions to determine how quickly officials need to act in response. View lessons >>
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Claire has spent her career managing content creation of every possible sort, from print textbooks to marketing collateral to a travel blog. Having worked with major educational publishers and mobile companies, she brings project management and editorial expertise to her role at ThinkCERCA.
Claire has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a PMP certificate from the Project Management Institute.