The Best Policy? Teaching Literacy in Math!
With our new set of math literacy lessons, we put students in the role of community leaders to show them how math is used by leaders in the real world every day.
The Best Policy: How can leaders use math to make the best decisions for their communities? (CCSS.MP4) In these lessons, we present students with data regarding community issues and possible solutions and ask them to use their algebraic knowledge to make evidence-based decisions.
You can also pair this set with lessons in other subjects for cross-curricular integration in a unit about government policy debates:
- Government Role in Health (ELA informational text): What role should the government play in regulating health?
- Crime Prevention (social studies): What are the benefits and possible drawbacks of various approaches to crime prevention?
- Energy Policy (science): Which energy policy would make the United States most environmentally friendly?
Also new this week, two multimedia Additional Reading Practice lessons based on videos from our partners at We The Voters.
Use these lessons to get your students engaged in thinking about U.S. politics during this election season, and for related resources and activities, be sure to check out ThinkCERCA's Teach the Election site.
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Claire has spent her career managing content creation of every possible sort, from print textbooks to marketing collateral to a travel blog. Having worked with major educational publishers and mobile companies, she brings project management and editorial expertise to her role at ThinkCERCA.
Claire has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a PMP certificate from the Project Management Institute.