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Product Update: A New Back-to-School Look for the Lesson Library

Product Update: A New Back-to-School Look for the Lesson Library


Everybody likes a fresh new look for back-to-school season, ThinkCERCA included! We heard you--you wanted a faster and easier way to find the lessons you need. So we've added filters by:

  • Lesson
  • Subject
  • Grade level
  • Standard
  • Theme



And as we announced last week, we've renamed our lessons according to how you might use them. QuickCERCAs are now Additional Reading Practice, Applied Lessons are Applied Reading & Writing, and Minilessons are Direct Instruction.

large filters


Finally, you can choose to view our library by individual lesson or by differentiated CERCA set via the tabs at the top of the library.



If you have any questions or would like help finding lessons, please contact our support team!

Claire Podulka
Claire Podulka

Claire has spent her career managing content creation of every possible sort, from print textbooks to marketing collateral to a travel blog. Having worked with major educational publishers and mobile companies, she brings project management and editorial expertise to her role at ThinkCERCA.

Claire has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a PMP certificate from the Project Management Institute.