Product Update: New Lesson Names
As we're sprucing up ThinkCERCA's library for back-to-school time, we've reorganized the library according to how you might want to use our lessons.
Find QuickCERCAs under Additional Reading Practice, Applied Lessons under Applied Reading and Writing, and Minilessons under Direct Instruction.
Want a quick refresher on ThinkCERCA's lessons?
Direct Instruction lessons (formerly Minilessons) are short, expert introductions to key literacy skills and concepts that students can strengthen over time. These multimedia lessons are followed by five multiple-choice questions. The skills introduced in these lessons include introductory concepts related to the CERCA Framework—making claims, backing up claims with evidence, and reasoning—in addition to other essential literacy skills.
Applied Reading and Writing lessons (formerly Applied Lessons) allow students to practice close reading and academic writing. These expert-designed lessons are centered around debatable topics that get students thinking critically about real-world issues. Using the CERCA Framework, Applied Reading and Writing lessons walk students through a six-step, scaffolded approach to critically reading a text and creating a formal written response.
Additional Reading Practice lessons (formerly QuickCERCAs) are short lessons that immediately get students engaged in close reading. These lessons can be assigned as independent or collaborative work and can be used to build background knowledge before reading or extend learning after a lesson. They contain high-interest, authentic texts—featuring videos, graphs, charts, and other visual sources—followed by five multiple-choice questions. These short assessments get students accustomed to the kinds of questioning found in state assessments.
If you have any questions or would like help finding lessons, please contact our support team!

Claire has spent her career managing content creation of every possible sort, from print textbooks to marketing collateral to a travel blog. Having worked with major educational publishers and mobile companies, she brings project management and editorial expertise to her role at ThinkCERCA.
Claire has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a PMP certificate from the Project Management Institute.