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Product Update: Library 2024

Product Update: Library 2024



Exciting News: Our Library is Updated! 

Discover our newly redesigned Library! We're thrilled to unveil a more user-friendly and intuitive experience, tailored with your feedback and built on extensive user testing. Get ready to explore a refreshed Library packed with resources designed just for you, our valued partners!Library Update

When you first log in, you’ll see the following tabs: 

  • Core ELAR
  • Writing Across the Curriculum
  • Skill Lessons
  • Reading Practice
  • Longer Works Units
  • Courses
  • Custom Lessons 
  • Browse

Let's break each one down!


Thinkcerca’s platform provides a Core ELAR Program for grades 6-12 and a supplemental literacy curriculum for grades 3-12 across English, Social Studies, Science, and Math with a strong focus on rigorous close reading and writing across content areas to provide a common language, analytics, and approach across the district.  Watch a Core Curriculum Tour here.

Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Across the Curriculum integrates close reading, critical thinking, and writing across subjects with one proven framework, featuring:

  • Differentiated Curriculum
  • Close Reading Instruction
  • Speaking and Listening Practice
  • ELD Supports
  • Assessment Preparation
  • Data-driven Instruction
  • Academic Writing Instruction

Skill Lessons

Skill Lessons are interactive lessons that provide grade-level instruction and practice in critical literacy skills. These lessons give students the opportunity to dynamically engage with texts and include scaffolded checks and graded assessments for measuring understanding.

Direct Instruction Lessons allow teachers to introduce key skills and concepts. Each core lesson has a Direct instruction lesson paired with it.

Reading Practice

Reading Practice lessons contain high-interest, authentic informational texts — featuring videos, graphs, charts, and other visual sources —  that build up students’ discipline-specific background knowledge. 

At the end of each Reading Practice lesson, students answer five multiple choice questions, which teachers can use to gauge comprehension. These questions also mirror the language and format of questions commonly found in state assessments

Longer Works Units

Longer Works complement ThinkCERCA’s Core ELA program and can be used in conjunction with existing 28-day Core units as supplemental reading, or instead of existing Core units. Optional and essential activities can be included or removed according to your instructional needs and classroom pacing.


Custom Lessons

Our Custom Lessons experience allows you to combine ThinkCERCA's framework for teaching critical thinking and expressing arguments with readings and writing prompts of your own creation. 


Using our Browse feature, you can filter by grade and search using keywords to easily search through hundreds of Writing Lessons, Reading Practice, Direct Instruction, and Skills lessons.

If you need help navigating the new library, we are here for you! Send us an email to support@thinkcerca.com and we'll support you.