Blog | ThinkCERCA

ThinkCERCA Gives Administrators Insights into Student Performance

Written by Elizabeth Riley Boyer | October 08, 2015

One of the biggest benefits of being in education is seeing the positive strides students make on a daily basis. It's what most principals and teachers live for. While teachers get access to these moments every day, it can be harder for principals to know how all their students are performing all of the time. ThinkCERCA's administrator Insight dashboard was built with this challenge in mind. This tool gives principals a high-level perspective on how students at their schools are performing on strands by grade level. At any given moment, principals can access student performance and time-on-task data and monitor how students, in aggregate, are performing on reading information standards, writing standards, and reading literature standards. This information will ultimately help school leaders identify areas of need as well as areas of consistent mastery by grade level. This is just one of the many features we are working on to empower principals to be effective leaders at their schools.

Interested in trying out the Insight dashboard? Here's how principals can get started.

Video tour:


Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Simply click here or click “Sign Up” in the orange box on the top right corner of this web page.
  2. Choose “I’m a School Leader” in the purple rectangle, then fill in your information.
  3. Create your own password and be sure to enter your zip code so that you can find your school in the dropdown menu. Then, choose “Create Account.” You’re also able to create an account using your Google ID (Gmail) by clicking “Sign up with Google ID.” For security purposes, your account will have to be verified by ThinkCERCA before gaining access. You will receive an email from the ThinkCERCA team once your account is all set up!