Blog | ThinkCERCA

Video: Bill Gates Highlights ThinkCERCA as Innovative Literacy Tool at ASU GSV

Written by Elizabeth Riley Boyer | April 20, 2016

At this year's ASU GSV Summit, Bill Gates kicked off his keynote speech by discussing how the technology revolution can take education to the next stage, where product quality and a deeper understanding of needs will improve student outcomes across the board. He moved on to share his thoughts on current solutions that are paving the way, and during his talk, Bill highlighted ThinkCERCA as an innovative literacy tool that's showing positive results for students, saying:

In literacy, a product I like is ThinkCERCA. It meets kids where they are, again, personalized, and gets them engaged. It helps them with writing, and that's an area we haven't had nearly enough innovation. It challenges you with texts, forces you to identify things, and then looks at your own writing in terms of presenting a claim, evidence, and good reasoning. And again, that's one that is showing good results for students.

Skip ahead to 17:10 to hear Bill share his thoughts on ThinkCERCA. And we'll forgive him for mispronouncing "CERCA." We're simply honored to have been mentioned.