Blog | ThinkCERCA

Product Update: Change Reading Levels Within CERCA Starter

Written by Elizabeth Riley Boyer | October 14, 2015

Over the long weekend, our tech team implemented a few new features to enhance both the teacher and student experience on our platform. Here, we highlight what's changed in this latest update.

Change Reading Levels Within CERCA Starter (Teachers)

At the start of the school year, we launched CERCA Starter, a free leveling assessment that introduces students to the fundamentals of critical thinking, close reading, and argumentative writing. After at least two sessions, teachers can analyze the data within a student's CERCA Starter Insight report to place them at a reading level that will challenge them appropriately. To save teachers time, reading levels can now be changed directly within this report. Simply select the student's name and a pop-up labeled "Change reading group" will appear (screenshot above). After changing a student's reading group using the dropdown, the application will automatically save this new information. And if necessary, you have the option to reassign CERCA Starter lessons to this student.

View Key CERCA Question Throughout an Entire Lesson (Students)

During our last update, we released a new student interface to make it easier for students to navigate within lessons. This past weekend, we added an additional feature to this experience. Students can now see the key CERCA question throughout an entire lesson. With each step, a green box featuring the CERCA question will appear on the upper lefthand side of the lesson (screenshot below), allowing students to reflect on it throughout their practice.

As always, you can email with any specific questions or concerns.